
poetry is my subtext

Friday, February 5, 2021

Warming Center...


How are you? Really.

Check in with You.

I'm still on a social media break (going on three weeks... but also, what is time rn?), 


I wanted to share this note I just wrote to myself after an unexpectedly emotionally laborious errand to and from an otherwise routine annual appointment:


12 degrees in '21. 12? Fine...
Time, bitterly still and blindingly quick.
Passing boarded-up windows plastered with slogans
    For Sale/For Rent/Space Available
On one storefront:
And a list of names...
The window too small
for all the names...

Your phone pings your arrival before you even reach the door.
That New App Magic. Okay...
And movement.
And more waiting.
You are grateful to have access to this care.
You wait.

Questions you expect.
You don't expect
"What breaks your heart?"
is "easier" to answer than
"What brings you joy right now?"
You don't expect
The feeling your response to 
[What's a typical day like?]
Is inadequate,
Because what is typical right now?

You scoff at yourself... 

And all of the sudden (though not really)
Your heart is in your throat,
And you're glad you're wearing a mask,
and your giant glasses
to hide the twisting of your lips, your cheeks,
maybe even the tears welling up in your eyes.
Maybe you can blink them back before they spill out...

But you can't and they do... 

I understand we don't want to cry
in the cold
in this office
in public
into our mask,


It's okay
to feel the deep ache,
building up in our gut
until we can't say another word
until we let loose the sob.
I understand, we like to give our catharsis parameters.
But maybe
It just needs space. Like us, Beloved We.
And, here's the best part, there's plenty of space available.

Also, If you need info on warming centers in Illinois, call 3-1-1 and they'll give the most up-to-date info.
Take care, Beloveds.
Have you ever tried to send a text while your "purples" are dilated?

Stay prayed up. The Lord is at work making all things new.

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