
poetry is my subtext

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Infamous Online Survey

I was looking at some old "who are you?" online surveys and questioners I filled out, and here are my favorite responses:

Where would you want to retire?
--I'm gonna retire??

Favorite time of day?
--The quiet parts of the day.

(Tell 25 things about you that you don't think people know)

1) I once thought I could fight "middle child syndrome" until I found myself hoping up and down in the middle of a parking lot, as a sophomore in college saying to my older sibs "guys!! Pay attention to me!!"...yeah, I suck at that.

2) I think "Wicked" the musical would have been worth my seeing it more than once if it followed the book instead of trying to be "family friendly"

3) I love Jesus. I love theatre. I love chicago.

4) If you've ever been adopted by my family as an honorary Sheppard--you always will be!!

5) I write about violent things to help me try to understand why they happen or how I might deal with them--not because I'm morbid.

6) I would eat pizza everyday if it wouldn't start to make me feel like a ball of immovable grease...or make me allergic to dairy...

7) I would dye my hair red if I wasn't an actor.

8) I want to be a stunt and a classical actor when I grow up.

9) I may call them names, but I'd lay down my life for my family and friends.

10) I have a quarterstaff who's name is Cervantes...after the Spanish writer of the 16th century...

11) I'm an Elizabethan and Spanish Golden Age history nerd!

11) I think Lope de Vega and Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz could rival Shakespeare pretty equally.

12) I. Love. Snow.

13) I like vampires but am terrified of zombies...even though they're almost the same thing...

14) I believe in demons and angels but not ghosts--when you're dead, you go upstairs or downstairs, you don't hang out in the living room...

15) I believe in good and inexpensive Theatre--There's a lot of it in Chicago!!

16) I make up words like Shakespeare--though he's still better at it (even though he's dead)

17) I want a First Folio for my next birthday.

18) Almost moved to NY to go to a fencing school...almost moved to CA to go to Commedia school...

19) I'm almost too shy to be an actor...

20) I'm remembering how judgemental I am and trying to fight it with humility...Feel free to call me out!!!

21) I enjoyed living alone, but I need to have roommates, or a husband...the first I have and they're lovely, the latter I'd like whenever the Lord sees fit to send him my way...

22) I've only dated a few times in all of my life, either cuz I was crazy and busy, folks were afraid I'd stage combat them, or they were being jerks...or, rationally, we just weren't supposed to be together...

23) I finished my first full-length play last year after 9ish versions, 3 readings, and baby's first copyright.

24) Doesn't. Like. Boats. (Baby doesn't know how to swim...)

25) I'll be 30 soon but still feels like a kid...maybe cuz I still look like a kid...

It's like looking back through a time-warp...I suggest everyone check out your old writing. See if what you thought then is what you think now and where you've changed...

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